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Do you want more business?
We provide digital access for your existing and new customers to your products, ordering and invocing .
We also promote your products and services to thousands of customers in your distribution area.
Service Providers
Introduce your services to thousands of users in your area that are already using our portal and mobile app. We offer a way for you our customers to order services with a click of a button.
Sign UpManufacturers & Vendors
Connect with us to introduce your products to business's & distributors around the world.
Sign UpFind Products
With a click of a button, search through over 100,000 products available local and national.
Order History
View previous orders, track expenses and easily reorder any products.
Receive digital invoices from your distributor, through the DMP App or Website
Connect with Distributors
Locate distributors within your local area and request relationships.
Message Your Distributor
Send messages and open live chats directly with your distributor.
Custom Order Guide
Our custom built and patented order system will help you save time when ordering from multiple distributors.

Order when & what you want...
Simply add items to your Order Guide, Confirm and Send.Hang up the phone, its to late. Put down the pencil and paper, you dont need it anymore. We have simplified the ordering process. There has never been a more easy way to order from your distributors.
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Secure Payment OptionsCredit Cards & ACH Support
Instant NotificationsRealtime Email & Push Notifications
Bulk Buys & Hot OffersWeekly Discounts
Find and connect with your distributors.
We make it simple to connect with distributors, find products, order and pay invoices with a few clicks of a button. Why use anything else?
- Connect with a local distributor
- Submit realtime orders
- Receive confirmations
- Receive digital invoices
- Pay electronicly using ACH or Credit Cards
- Realtime Chat with Distributors or Reps
- Find New Products
- Enjoy hassle free shopping!

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Join our network and save time & money starting today!
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Find Products that you use.
With over 100,000 products, we have what your looking for.
Rate & Review Products
Reviews by real business owners will help you find items that will sell fast!
Download Our Mobile APP!
A super easy way to Connect, Locate and Find products from local distributors!
Our easy to use custom internal chat messaging system, keeps your personal and business life seperated.
Hot Deals & Bulk Buys
Use items every week? Signup for alerts based on your ordering history.
New Products = New Ideas
Easly find new products for your retail location to increase sales.
Spend More Time at your business
Business's grow with love, now you will have more time to spend.
Digital File Cloud
Our digital storage area helps you stay organized.

We made it simple:
Click, Confirm, Order
Find, order and save products from all of your distributors.
Stop using paper and pencil when ordering. We made it simple. Download our free app DMP Connect and start ordering from your distributor today!
View FeaturesYes, Its finally Here...
Built with a complex brain, but simple & intuative to use.

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