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Not only is this hand knit bag perfect for carrying small items such as wallet and cell phone, it happens to come pre-packed with extra hand knit goodies! Inside each heart-shaped bag is a pair of toddler booties, toddler mittens and a toddle beanie. This set makes a great gift for any occasion! Bag has a secure zip closure and every piece is made with soft red yarn. Booties are one size fit most and have a white/black stitched flower on the outside. Mittens are fingerless and are connected so you'll never lose one! Beanie is also one size fits most and has a yarn flower stitched on the front. Measurements: purse 7 1/2" x 8 1/4" with a 9 1/2" strap, beanie is 7 3/4" wide and 6" tall, booties are 4 1/2" x 3 1/4" and mittens are 4 1/2" x 3".

Quantity: 6 UPC: 765089616602 SKU: BG307 Tags: .

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